We take online privacy seriously and we respect the concerns of our community of users. In this policy we describe with respect how we collect information through handyvarieties.com to help you know or make decision how you can share information when you visit or use the site.
We do not share any kind of your personal information with third-parties. Also do we store information we collect about your visit to this site for use other than to analyze content performance through the use of cookies, which you can turn off at any time by modifying your Internet browser’s settings.
We are not responsible for the republishing of the content found on this website on other sites or media without our authorization. This protection strategy is liable to change without take note.
Information that is Automatically Collected When You Visit HandyVarieties.com
Personal Data
When you are using our Service, we may ask you to provide us with certain “Personal Data.” The data can be used to contact or identify you. Personal Data may include, but is not limited to:
Email address
First name and last name
Cookies and Usage Data
Usage Data
At the point when you visit to our site we and our third-party partners may consequently gather certain data about your visits, for example, such as cookies and other information gathering and following innovations. The data gathered naturally when you visit the Site may include your IMEI and TCP/IP address, geo area data, unique device identifiers, and other data about your PC or device(s), program types, working framework, cell phone data and other information that generally are not considered personally identifiable.
Tracking & Cookies Data
We use cookies to track the activity on our website. We likewise hold explicit data. Cookies are files with small data that include a unique anonymous identifier. A site sent these records to your browser and your device store them. Besides Cookies we use signals, labels, and contents to gather and track data. These additionally help us to both improve and dissect our site.
You can set up your browser to dismiss all treats. In any case, you can’t utilize our full Service on the off chance that you limit the browser to accept cookies. We suggest getting treats on the web by web premise.
Examples of Cookies we use:
Session Cookies: These are used to operate our Service.
Preference Cookies: These are used to remember your preferences and settings.
Security Cookies: These cookies are used for security purposes.
Use of Data
Handy Varieties utilize the data for different purposes:
We use data for maintaining and providing our Services. We always notify you about any changes in our Service. We also allow you to take part in the interactive properties of our Service, high-quality support and rt and customer care based on your choice. We Provide analysis or data to improve our Service. We always monitor the usage of our Service and detect, address and prevent technical problems.
Transfer of Data
Your data which includes Personal Data might be moved to — and kept up on — PCs arranged outside of your area or other legislative locale where the data protection laws may contrast than those from your authority.
If you use our service, it represents your agreement to that transfer.
Handy Varieties will find a way to guarantee secure treatment of your information by this Privacy Policy. Besides, we likewise attempt sincerely so your Data don’t move to an organization or a country. However, we may do as such in circumstances when it is important for the security of your information and other individual data.
Disclosure of Data
Legal Requirements
Handy Varieties may disclose your Data with the good faith that such action may necessary to:
Comply with a legal obligation
Protect and defend the property and rights of Handy Varieties
Prevent or investigate possible misconduct in connection with our Service
Protect the personal safety of our Service users or the public
Protect against legal liability
Security of Data
We value the safety of your data. However, no electronic transmission or storage method over the Internet is 100% secure. We use commercially acceptable ways to protect your Personal Data. However, we cannot guarantee the 100% security of your data.
Links to Other Sites
Our Service may contain external site links. We do not operate those sites. If you click the links, it will direct you to that external site. Before you, please review the Privacy Policy of those sites.
We have no control over and no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.
Changes to our Privacy Policy
We regularly update our Privacy Policy. At whatever point we roll out any improvements in the policy, you will be informed on this page with the new Privacy Policy. Prior to any change, we will inform you through email and additionally an unmistakable notice on our Service.
Besides, we will update the “successful date” at the base of the new Privacy Policy. We prescribe you to survey this Privacy Policy for any progressions occasionally. Changes will be successful from the hour of the posting on this web.
How to Contact Us
If you have questions about this policy or about our privacy practices, you may contact us by emailing admin@handyvarieties.com